Taktho Environmental Strategy.
Taktho Environmental Strategy is an independent environmental consulting service. Our approach to environment problem solving is driven by science and Project Management Philosphy.
We are a committed, multi-disciplinary team of professional Environmentalists, Waste managers; Geohydrologists, Archaeologist, GIS Expert, as well as Social Consultations Specialists that provide the industry with professional service within the support of our clear vision and mission. We make use of our expertise and experience to compile highly skilled teams of professionals that generate information at the correct level of confidence.
Integrated waste management in a resource scare environment Due to increased population growth and urban and industrial development, there is an increased demand for waste service provision in terms of storage and collection facilities and services, handling and transportation, treatment and ultimately.Read more →
Integrated Hazardous Waste Management First Generation Integrated Hazardous Waste Management Plan for Gauteng (GHWMP) - G/Dace 07/2006 - Situational Analysis and Baseline Assessment Report.Read more →
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